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16/11/13, 16:05
Join Date: Dec 2010
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Default Forum Rules !

Türkçe için tıklayın

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TR Forum Rules

  1. Forum members(who posted message) fully responsible for the messages. This forum will not accept any liability due to the writing of the article of members.

  2. Posts that violate the Rebublic of Turkey laws or international laws, treaties, statutes etc can not sent to this Forum.

  3. Provocative and Humiliating articles about the communities can not written . (Example: Black, Immigration, Jewish, Circassian, Gypsy, Armenian, Turkish, Indian, Arab, Russian, etc.).

  4. Malicious messages such as Threatening, abusive, hateful ,articles against the traditions , religion, language, race discrimination words or symbols or signs ,contempt the forum users and administrators etc.are “Certainly Prohibited”.

  5. Comments about political writings including propaganda are not allowed.

  6. It is strictly prohibited that CoverTR-specific shared designs publishing on the other sites without permission by designers.

  7. Advertising content messages will be deleted without warning and the member(who wrote that message) will be banned.

  8. Web address, email address, phone numbers must not write on the forum signatures. Such signs will be canceled.

  9. Forum admin and managers have the right to modify, and delete the offending posts.

  10. A topic or a thread which includes a dead link will be moved to appropriate section or will be deleted if the members doesn't make any correction.

  11. If the member who does not comply the rules , will be warned by managers.After the repetition of negative attitude, member will be removed from forum.

  12. The forum managers have always the right of adding new rules and updates.

  13. Open subjects according to Forum Rules (Click Here to see more details)

  14. Members must be at least a Silver Member to download Covers or Labels.(Click Here to see more details)

  15. Anyone deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions who joined this forum.


Last edited by Joker; 16/11/13 at 18:30. Reason: time
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