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Forum Rules !
Forum Rules !
- Forum members(who posted message) fully responsible for the messages. This forum will not accept any liability due to the writing of the article of members.
- Posts that violate the Rebublic of Turkey laws or international laws, treaties, statutes etc can not sent to this Forum.
- Provocative and Humiliating articles about the communities can not written . (Example: Black, Immigration, Jewish, Circassian, Gypsy, Armenian, Turkish, Indian, Arab, Russian, etc.).
- Malicious messages such as Threatening, abusive, hateful ,articles against the traditions , religion, language, race discrimination words or symbols or signs ,contempt the forum users and administrators etc.are “Certainly Prohibited”.
- Comments about political writings including propaganda are not allowed.
- It is strictly prohibited that CoverTR-specific shared designs publishing on the other sites without permission by designers.
- Advertising content messages will be deleted without warning and the member(who wrote that message) will be banned.
- Web address, email address, phone numbers must not write on the forum signatures. Such signs will be canceled.
- Forum admin and managers have the right to modify, and delete the offending posts.
- A topic or a thread which includes a dead link will be moved to appropriate section or will be deleted if the members doesn't make any correction.
- If the member who does not comply the rules , will be warned by managers.After the repetition of negative attitude, member will be removed from forum.
- The forum managers have always the right of adding new rules and updates.
- Open subjects according to Forum Rules (Click Here to see more details)
- Members must be at least a Silver Member to download Covers or Labels.(Click Here to see more details)
- Anyone deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions who joined this forum.
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